The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time : A Dive into Autism Awareness

the curious case of the dog in the noght-time

Introduction to the World of Stories

Being a voracious reader myself, it was only natural for me to introduce my girls to the world of words and stories. I’ve always believed that reading helps people grow wiser, more sympathetic, and sensitive to their surroundings and fellow human beings. Therefore, I often brought home books from the children’s books section—Enid Blyton’s stories, Harry Potter, and the like—for their enjoyment. It helped that we had no television at home, leaving my girls with little else but books to entertain themselves. Of course, I would also bring more grown-up books for myself.

There were exceptions, though. Some children’s books, by virtue of their content, storytelling, and structure, invited me to explore the world meant for growing-up kids. Such books often expanded my perspective of the world, even as my girls devoured them for entertainment. One such book that immediately caught my attention was The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time by Mark Haddon, thanks to its quirky title. Although it was intended for adolescent readers, I was prompted to read it to better understand my own demanding girls, who were in their adolescent years at the time.

Christopher’s Journey and Its Impact

The book turned out to be a discovery of people who are seen yet not fully understood, who are heard but often ignored by society, and kids who yearn for sympathy and love but are neglected and sometimes even despised. The story is told from the first-person perspective of Christopher, a boy who lies somewhere on the autism spectrum, likely with Asperger’s syndrome which is characterized by difficulties in social interaction and repetitive behaviors but without significant delays in language or cognitive development.

Christopher has difficulty understanding emotions and people, but he is a genius when it comes to logic. He excels in subjects like mathematics and scientific laws, yet he can’t appreciate humor or love.

The dynamics between Christopher and his father, who is patient and loving to the point of heartbreak, a missing mother who may not have been as patient, a sympathetic and understanding teacher, and other people are innocent since complex thoughts and emotions are beyond his comprehension.“I do not tell lies. Mother used to say that this was because I was a good person. But it is not because I am a good person. It is because I can’t tell lies.” says Christopher in the first chapter itself.

By telling the story in the first person, Mark Haddon ensures we immerse ourselves in the protagonist’s mind, experiencing all the confusion, questions, and thoughts that Christopher navigates. It’s a brilliant strategy that deepens our empathy for both the story and the boy. The style also brings about some chuckles and smiles as Christopher explains certain concepts and thoughts in his own innocent way making for an engaging read.

When he discovers a neighbor’s dog, Wellington, murdered one night, he takes it upon himself to solve the mystery. His logical approach, devoid of any emotional bias, leads to the discovery of something unexpected—both in terms of people and the situation. The writer brilliantly captures Christopher’s difficulties and the drama that ensues when he is confronted with not-so-friendly and unsympathetic situations.

Christopher, being a mathematical genius, names his chapters using serial prime numbers and conveys complex mathematical problems and theories through simple language. For a lover of mathematics, the story is a double delight. He ultimately solves the murder case despite his limitations, discovering more than he can handle in terms of emotions and relationships.

Embarking on a solo journey from his town to London, he encounters a myriad of people, sounds, colors, texts, and signages. This assault on his senses, given his condition on the autism spectrum, is one of the highlights of the storytelling, allowing the reader to experience his trauma and develop an understanding and empathy for it.

Understanding and Empathy for Autism

The book ends on an almost happy note, but not before pulling at your heartstrings. You root for Christopher, wanting to soothe him and give him a hug, knowing well that he will not like any of it. For someone like him, it takes time to build trust. The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time by Mark Haddon introduced me, for the first time, to the world of autism and Asperger’s syndrome. Christopher’s thoughts, his logic, his hesitation in meeting people and socializing, his stubbornness, and his audacity when challenged—along with his lack of communication—helped me become more aware of what it must be like for both the child and the parents to grow up together with such a condition.

Christopher was a genius, but I understand that not every autistic child will have the same abilities. However, what I am sure of is that every autistic child needs as much sympathy, patience, love, and understanding as any other child who is growing up and trying to understand the world for the first time.

This book is a small contribution to raising awareness about the autism spectrum, which millions of children around the world face every day. The story of Christopher as a hero, who goes to sleep after solving a crime as if it were just another day, made me realize how a more sensitive and sympathetic world could help children like him grow up in a less stressful environment.

Final Reflections

The story made me aware of the condition and the harsh world we live in, and how even parents of such children deserve sympathy—not in terms of pity, but in terms of not being judged. I understood it can be a difficult job, demanding patience and understanding all the time. But what endeared me to Christopher’s story the most is the unconditional love that he offers once he has broken the barriers of trust—love that is the most innocent and without any complexity.

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time by Mark Haddon is more than just a novel for young readers; it’s a deep exploration of the human condition through the eyes of a unique protagonist on the autism spectrum. This book not only offered me insights into the challenges faced by those on the autism spectrum but also deepened my empathy as a parent and a person. Reading this book alongside my daughters was a shared journey of growth and awareness, one that continues to resonate with me long after the final page was turned.

For those who may be unfamiliar with autism, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time offers a unique opportunity to step into the shoes of someone navigating the world with this condition. Through Christopher’s eyes, you’ll gain insight into the daily challenges and triumphs that many on the autism spectrum experience. This book might just change the way you view and interact with those who see the world differently, fostering greater empathy and understanding in your own life.

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