About Me

Hey there, I’m Krushna Rathi and like to be known as an architect, academician, and mother to two young ladies, a curious traveler, and an avid reader 

I strongly believe that a person is a product of the places she has traveled, books she has read, and people she surrounds herself with.I have had the privilege of working with some brilliant minds, meeting fascinating people, reading some amazing books, and traveling to many places. I hope this journey continues endlessly, allowing me to bring my experiences to this page and share them with all of you.

I have been reading as far as I know. I am fascinated by the world of words. I have been in professional practice for the last 25 years and run my studio known by studio LANDspace where I try my best to engage with the creative world of architecture through my projects. I have also been in teaching for more than 15 years, 2 years as head of the institute. It’s been long that I wanted to write, but being busy as a mother, architect, and teacher in that order, I could not find mental space that this particular thing demanded.

Now with my kids grown into young ladies and academic duties over, with just my professional practice, I want to dive into this new space. With this conviction, I am excited to create a platform where I can share my reflections.

As a seeker, I yearn for all that life offers. Whether it’s the ordinary pursuits of travel and adventure or the loftier aspirations of arts, knowledge, and spirituality. This inner seeker seeks connection with fellow seekers beyond.

This blog will be a space where I share my experiences of travels, explore themes and ideas from the books I’ve read, and occasionally introduce you to some amazing people I have had the pleasure of meeting. The essence of this platform is to showcase my thoughts, experiences, and even my amateur photography.

Join me on this adventure, and I look forward to our shared exploration of the world through my lens.